How to use Digital signer software?


 For application to work excel file and PDF folder has to be present

• Excel file requisite as follows

     - File name: EmailList.xls with sheet name as “EmailList”


      - Column header (Mandatory)

               * PartyCode

               * Email

 • PDF Files requisite as follows


  - PDF files “PartyCode_Year.pdf” e.g. K001_2009.pdf   

  • PDF folder (not mandatory in installed folder)

  - option for selecting folder containing PDF files



• Run DigitalSigner Application

• Select the Folder containing “Unsigned PDF Files”



 - Signed Properties screen

 - Folder containing PDF files will be Digitally Signed and will be copied in a new folder “Signedfiles”


Email (Options)

 -  Signed / Unsigned PDF files

 - Auto Select Signed Files Folder, this folder will be available in folder selected at the beginning of the application

  - Select “Unsigned PDF files” Folder which is select at the beginning

   - Display in the GRID Option based on excel / PDF files Code, email address and PDF file Names Option to export the         display grid to excel On click “PDF File” will open PDF viewer

    - Next Screen -> SMTP setting for sending emails

* Email send details will be stored in status.txt stored in Signed /

   Unsigned folder based on selection. View option to view the




    * Format level validation for email address

    * Grid showing emails address and file name

Sample Form 16A